Sunday, September 9, 2012

Happy Birthday Addie & Jack!

It was my niece and nephew's birthday party a couple weekends ago... no they aren't twins, they are 2 years and 1 month apart.  Since the actual birth DAY is so close together, we still celebrate the kids birthdays together which is SO much fun!!!

My parents came up from San Antonio and stayed with us the night before the party giving us time to catch up, drink some wine, and celebrate my Dad's birthday which was a week later!

It was an amazing weekend full of family time and celebrations!

Addie showing us her awesome kicking skills on her new birthday boogie board!

Pop Pop playing in the pool with Addie..

Warming her up for the big TOSS!

Pop Pop and Addie Racing!

What a great swimmer she is!

Jack & Mommy (Mandy) joined in on the fun!


Dad's Birthday Dinner - a beautiful night dining outside in Austin!

The sunday after the kids celebrations, Trae and I went to the Austin Hot Sauce Festival.  We LOVE all things Salsa and Hot Sauce so with only a small donation to the Austin Food Bank as entry fee... we were IN!  We didn't take many pictures while there because it was so warm outside.  Warm/muggy weather + super hot sauce = sweat city!!!
Riding the bus from public parking to the hot sauce fest.

HOT HOT sauce!!!

This is a picture from our favorite hot sauce booth: Assburn. Yup. That's their name. Their mascot is a devil baby and the female owner insisted we pose with it and then continued to rant how amazing and "natural" we looked with the devil baby. We weren't sure how to take that and chalked it up to one of the weirdest comments we've ever received.

In other news... we have a new "schultz-ism" for those of you who haven't heard.  Trae has been doing a lot of grilling this summer on his new 'Big Green Egg'.  While we both love at-home dinners, Trae has been getting several mosquito bites despite his bug spray and OFF wearable fan. Because of these bites, ( (and slight case of hypochondria) Trae is quite certain he has been "Niled" twice this summer.  "Oh God... I got Niled again, Cyndi".  BUT NO WORRIES, FRIENDS!  Trae believes that a little hydrogen peroxide in his ear does the trick.  We've done it both times and he's pulled through somehow!   
Nurse Cyndi to the rescue!  :)  Ah, I love my dramatic husband!

Hope everyone is doing great! I'm ready for some cooler weather, that's for sure!  Some exciting trips coming up for us: we have the Ole Miss game in a week and then Costa Rica over Thanksgiving with Milton & Sharon!